Monday, May 30, 2011

Field Trip with Blake

Friday I farmed the younger kids to friends and babysitters to take Blake on his school field trip. We went to Greenfield Village which is a historic village focused around 1880's, the time of Henry Ford. (This is Detroit after all!) There were exhibits on Henry Ford and how he changed the automobile industry, Thomas Edison one of the people that inspired Ford, and other building that show what life was like on farms and in schools during that time. It is really pretty cool when you think about how much the personal mobility that was made available with the invention of the automobile has changed the way we live. It was cool to see the ways life has changed and the ways it really hasn't changed all that much in the last 130 yrs. One thing that I am pretty sure that hasn't changed is how fast kids grow up. I am still in denial that I am entering the age of teenagers later this year! So here is a picture of Blake on an old bridge striking a goofy pose, because goof and sarcasm is what he does best.